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Record 54+ channels with crystal clear signals for full overnight PSG studies

Record crystal clear signals, protect your equipment, ensure recording integrity and provide patient convenience during in-lab sleep studies with the  Easy III amplifier and remote input box.

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PSG equipment

32-Channel Easy III PSG Amplifier and Remote Input Box

Cadwell’s Easy III 32-channel high-quality PSG amplifier with integrated DC channels stays safely mounted to the wall or night stand. Easy III provides 4kHz sampling rate and bedside impedance checks. A color-coded Remote Input Box simplifies the connection of  electrodes and sensors.

Did You Know?

You can use Easy III’s 8 DC channels to communicate with a wide variety of auxiliary equipment. Use In-Lab Titration devices from any manufacturer, your favorite CO2 device, or even add nocturnal pH tracking.

Cadwell EasyNet Patient Modules

Place your signals at the amplifier or on the patient with up to 12 EasyNet® Patient Modules for nasal pressure, oximetry, body position or limb movement actigraphy. Easy III PSG software can be installed on either computers supplied by Cadwell or computers managed and maintained by your hospital’s IT department.

Cadwell EasyNet Patient Modules
Easy III PSG Logo

Initialize, record, score and review both HSAT and PSG with Easy III PSG sleep software

Streamline your sleep diagnostic testing with integrated PSG and HSAT. Initialize, record, store and review both HSAT and PSG, performing all of your sleep diagnostics using the efficient Easy III PSG software and workflow.

Cadwell is the first sleep diagnostics provider to modify its software to improve integration with EnsoData’s artificial intelligence scoring and analysis platform, EnsoSleep.  

EnsoSleep logo

EnsoSleep delivers AI scoring and analysis on Easy III PSG and ApneaTrak HSAT data in a matter of minutes, with >90% agreement.

EnsoSleep empowers sleep clinicians with time savings and scoring consistency, so you can spend more time helping with patient education and compliance, and more time building relationships with referring physicians. 

Select PSG Scoring Session

“Sleep Enso” is listed as a Scorer, and Enso Scored studies can be edited and reviewed.

Sleep Solution Guide Cover

Sleep Diagnostic Solutions Guide

Cadwell’s Sleep Diagnostic Solutions Guide gives you a comprehensive overview of the hardware, software, carts, supplies, accessories, and electrodes offered to support the Easy III PSG and ApneaTrak HSAT systems.

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Find all the disposable and reusable sleep electrodes and accessories you need at

Explore Cadwell product solutions for PSG & HSAT

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Product availability may vary between different countries and markets. Please contact Cadwell for additional information.