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Urological Clinical Solutions

Electrodiagnostic (EDX) medicine can be used to test spinal and pelvic nerves, including the bulbocavernosus reflex (BCR) or Osinski reflex, during urodynamic testing, spinal cord testing, and other urological procedures and surgeries.

Sierra Summit EDX Applications in Urology

Surface EMG and NCS

EMG and NCS with surface electrodes are helpful in the diagnoses of urological syndromes and in biofeedback studies. They don’t require needle precision and are available as skin surface and disposable or reusable ring electrodes.

Needle EMG

Needle EMG can help diagnose neuropathy or myopathy with motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). Concentric needles and single-fiber EMG needles are used in pelvic floor neuropathy electrodiagnosis.


Sensory or motor NCS may be recorded directly from a nerve or from an innervated muscle. Injury to the pudendal nerve is a significant factor in urinary incontinence, and can be assessed with NCS.


Evoked Potentials from the spine can also help evaluate peripheral and central nervous system transmission. Absent responses may be indicative of injury or lipoma.


Neuromuscular ultrasound shows the structure and vascularity of internal organs and soft tissues, allows targeted needle guidance, and can be used to identify focal and systemic diseases. Ultrasound guidance during urological needle procedures helps ensure the path of the needle is clear. Needle guidance is beneficial during pudendal nerve blocks to alleviate the pain of pudendal neuralgia, and during injections of botulinum toxin into the bladder muscle as a treatment option for neurogenic bladder.


Patients undergoing surgery may have electrodiagnostic studies as a precursor to surgery. Surgical monitoring with needle EMG may help identify vital musculature during pelvic floor surgery (See Cascade IONM for surgical monitoring solutions).

Sierra Summit with Sierra NMUS1 and amplifiers

Sierra Summit for EDX

The Sierra Summit electrodiagnostic system can help you diagnose, confirm, and anatomically localize neurologic disturbances in urological cases, and may influence therapy options and preventive measures.

Sierra Summit and Sierra NMUS during urology examinations can help evaluate:

  • Congenital malformations, disease, or injury
  • Pudendal Neuralgia as a result of injury, tumor, activity, surgery, or childbirth
  • Pelvic floor neuropathy and muscle (PFM) disorders
  • Bulbocavernosus Reflex System (BRS)
  • Tethered Cord Syndrome
  • Occult Spinal Dysraphism Sequence
  • Neurogenic bladder symptoms
  • Sacral nerve dysfunction
  • Overactive bladder
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence
  • Urinary retention or voiding dysfunction
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Repeated Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Electrodiagnostic Solutions Guide


Electrodiagnostic Solutions Guide

Cadwell’s Electrodiagnostic Solutions Guide gives you a comprehensive overview of the hardware, software, carts, supplies, accessories, and electrodes offered to support the Sierra Summit  EMG/NCS/EP/NMUS system.

Explore Cadwell EDX products

The Sierra® family of products are the ideal solution for Chemodenervation, EMG, EPs, NCS, Ultrasound, and Electrodiagnostics in Urology.

Request an EMG, NCS, EP, and Ultrasound Demonstration 

Product availability may vary between different countries and markets.
Please contact Cadwell for additional information.