Videos from Cadwell

Arc Voyager Overview
Cadwell is making strides in EEG technology with wearable, wireless ...
Cadwell ApneaTrak Overview Video
Watch this video to see how to seamlessly integrate Type 3 home sleep ...
Cadwell Arc Zenith EEG Overview
Arc EEG is the culmination of a decades-long collaboration with our customers in response to the ever-changing needs of brain monitoring. Designed for use in epilepsy monitoring units, Arc Zenithâ„¢ is our robust high channel count amplifier for intracranial and extracranial EEG recordings that allows you to capture up to 288 channels at a 1 MHz sampling rate and storage up to 8 kHZ per channel. Arc Zenith helps simplify your operational workflow, minimize the risk of errors, reduce setup and surgical time, and enhance data accuracy and analyses.
Introduction to Neuromuscular Ultrasound
Dr. Joshua A. Smith, D.O. reviews the fundamentals of neuromuscular ultrasound, and shares the values of integrating neuromuscular ultrasound into the electrodiagnostic workflow.
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